Context-AI edge computing solutions for reactive AI
AI innovations for retailers
- Retail industry is in part, intersection between customers, brands and logistics operations
- The oldest industry has seen optimization in the fields of Marketing, Vision, Culture and Agility.
- The industry has been active in adopting data intelligence techniques from mining available resources.
- Despite this most retail stores have a near zero market growth.
The retail store's Problem
- Low market growth will see a demise of retail stores.
- Study conducted on retail stores show 90% retailers are close to zero growth.
- Most retailers agree innovation is the only way forward.
- In store innovation is beyond the capabilities of the retailers.
- Adding metrics at crucial stages in physical stores is not possible at this time.
Our solution
- Our reactive AI system implements advance vision and data fusion techniques
- The system makes IoT, AI and Big data analytics in stores possible.
- The system can identify customer interaction with the products on display
- This helps to improve customer engagement with the products.
- The system preserves customer privacy.
- It measures real-time consumption rate to simplify logistics.
Why is our approach better?
- Our platform is for real-time and reactive data analysis in a disconnected space.
- We use AI for answering queries.
- High performance in the system using advanced nVIDIA GPUs.
- The complex solution encompasses multiple deep networks and machine learning models.
Challenges to adoption of the solution
- Overtness in sharing data and access with innovation partner
Combined stake-holders:
- Retailers
- Brands
- Integration with enterprise applications platforms
- Improve awareness of shoppers privacy
- Build value with a emphasis on empathy and safety.
Current customer traction
- We are working with retailers for availability of data collection and building MVP.
- Progress with enterprise platform providers of whom the retailers are customers
- Interest shown by brands and advertising industry.